Monday, June 8, 2009

Goats To The Rescue!

Hubby and I have a second home in the Oakland Hills, a condominium with a terrific view of the Bay Area. We lost that home in the firestorm that blew through in 1991. It took three years to replace our home and needless to say we don't want to go through that experience again! Here's where the goat rescuers come in. The powers that be finally got smart and brought in herds of wonderful goats to mow down the underbrush on our hills! Hubby and I adore these little guys and all their antics. And, we sleep a little bit better at night as well!

Our View Of The Bay

To read more about these hardworking goats visit Jennifer Fulton's wonderful blog, "Goats in the Garden." She has a great post about how Google is now using goats in their business, find it here.


  1. Wow Goats! They are cute!

  2. Thanks so much for the mention! It is really appreciated and a very nice surprise. Great pictures! You sure do have some beautiful views from your house. I bet that many goats running around on the hill are quite entertaining to watch. Much more fun than machinery and mowers I am sure. Do they use fence (I imagine not with that terrain?) or just herd dogs to keep them where they are supposed to be?

  3. I remember reading about Google using goats too. Very good use of the goats all the way around. Your view is awesome... and I read Jennifer's blog too. I love her photos. ;)

  4. Hey, I gave you an award on my blog. Pass it on if you want too but don't feel obligated. Have a great day!
